Criminal Law

We provide comprehensive assistance in the issues related to criminal liability, including criminal liability of individuals. Moreover, we provide solutions for business clients in order to ensure the interests of crime victims, in particular pertain to pursuing civil claims in criminal trials.


We offer the following services:


  • defense in individual criminal cases,
  • representation of a victim in criminal cases,
  • analysis of the grounds of criminal responsibility,
  • investigation of civil claims in criminal proceedings,
  • defense of fundamental rights in the repressive proceedings (in fiscal cases, in cases of misdemeanour),
  • redress for wrongful application of preventive measures and wrongful conviction,
  • representation in matters of tax offenses, in cases of misdemeanour, in the proceedings on the liability of collective entities for a prohibited act.


In addition, we issue opinions on responsibility on the basis of criminal law, in particular in the field of economic criminal law.